CBM Mortgages

Tell us about your business?

CBM Mortgages was founded by long standing Dunbar player Craig McDonald. They are experts in providing finance for first home buyers, investment purchases and SMSF lending and have access to over 30 different lenders. CBM Mortgages also specialise in mortgages for 457 Visa Mortgages and also run 457visamortgages.com. If you are looking to find out your borrowing capacity, need information on buying your first property or would like a review of your current situation then please don’t hesitate to call Craig


What is your team most passionate about?

Assisting customers purchase property right from the start and all the way up to them picking up their keys


A quick comment about your support for Dunbar Rovers

Assisting customers purchase property right from the start and all the way up to them picking up their keys



How long have you been affiliated with the club?

10 years.


Tell us about any promotions or Special offers to our Members?

CBM Mortgages offers a free consultation and loan review. We also provide a free Home Buyers guide to give you information on buying property in Australia


Website link: www. cbmmortgages.com


Contact Details:

Craig McDonald,  0421 573 131 or 02 9315 7457