Player of the Week | Raquel Keller

Raquel, also known as the Swiss maiden (Dale’s words, not mine), is this week’s player of the week, currently top player in the Dunbar Fantasy Football league.
As her nickname articulates- Raquel reigns from Switzerland and has been in Aus since 2012. Unlike the neutrality of Switzerland, since she started at Dunbar last season she has shown her passion for the team and the sport, and is definitely pro Dunbar. Leaving the ski fields behind, the muddy fields of the Reg have become her new stomping ground. Her player stats show her season already started strongly: in the last 2 games she has received Maiden of the Match in both games, and scored 2 goals and 1 assist.

Since joining Dunbar AAW4s last year, with a lot of hard work and dedication she moved up the ranks to become an essential player in the Dunbar squads. Raquel was one of the most influential and hard working players with the 4s, and this year is on the starting lineup with the AAW3s.
Raquel is one of those players that any coach could dream of! She can play in virtually any position on the field but has been identified as being deadly on the wings mostly due to her speed, fitness and fighting spirit.
In last year’s fantasy football, she finished as one of the highest scoring women’s players. We believe that she may be fighting to get another medal this year and adding on a couple of more goals this year to her tally. Watch that space!11159986_750211238410511_4284343400127837289_n