25 Results for author: Pedro
I’ve always been keen to get into coaching and to be involved in the development of the Women’s game.
We didn't have a coach for 2015, so I put my hand up after some persuasion.
I've always fancied coaching junior football as a way of staying in the game when I get older.
I got into coaching with Dunbar by pure chance as it happens. The team was created at the last minute for the 2014 season and needed a coach
I have always been passionate about football and have always had a voice on the pitch, so I just thought my natural progression would be into coaching.
I would like to say something profound but the honest answer is our coach was leaving and the boys asked me to do it.
The main focus points this season have been on how we work together as a unit, our first touches, and how we transition
This season, given the dramatic change in my squad and moving up a division, my focus has been on team structure and my playing philosophy.
I got into coaching through managing the AAW4s with my husband David as a coach for the last 2 years.
I have always had a passion in football and played for over 25 years.